Well the truth finally comes out—hanging my head in shame, shuffling my feet, eyes cast downward—I’m so sorry to have to admit this awful truth.
Well it all started with Celtic Thunder. Why does everything have to start with them you ask? And do you have to read this startling discovery? I really don’t care if you do or you don’t to be honest. But if you want to read the startling discover of my addiction, I guess you’d better read on.
Well when I first discovered Celtic Thunder, yes my handsome Irish Lads plus one handsome Scotsman, I ordered their CD’s from Amazon.Com. When they came I found out they had a website. Being curious, I typed in the URL and gobbled up everything that was there & found out they blogged, they were on Fan Pop, My Space, Facebook, Twitter, Reverbnation, You tube, & other places. In order to access all these places, I had to join to see all their information. Most of them I visit about once a month. EXCEPT FOR facebook & twitter. I go there every day.
Lead In To Addiction
Now here comes the biggie!!! Facebook—I didn’t do too much there because I didn’t know it’s power. And boy do I love power. I was friendless for the longest time. Then I let 2 or 3 friends know I was on there. WOW!!! What an explosion when I let my friend Claire know I was on there. I searched for her name & found her, sent her a friend request then she accepted. Then she sent me a message recommending her husband as a friend, then he recommended a friend.
Hey!!! When are you going to get to the good part about your addiction?
In The Beginning
Well, as I’ve said before, don’t get you’re knickers in a twist!!! I’m getting there, if you’ll just let me tell my addiction story. I believe when addicts stand up and tell their story, they have the floor, they have the "talking stick," and get to speak without interruptions.
So, as I was saying, Claire’s husband Nick recommended John Doe (name changed to protect the innocent as he's a minor) as a friend, so I sent him a friend request and that was the end of my peaceful life as I once knew it. Oh, oh, wait, I also have to lay some blame on my nephew Mike & his friend Fred. I let my nephew Mike know I was on facebook & he had me look up his friend Fred. I found him & clicked the friend invite button. Then Fred kept nagging (now don't say you didn't) my nephew. To ask Fostine to do this unbeknownst addicting thing!!!
Invites Roll In
Then when John Doe accepted my invite for friend, there’s a chat icon at the bottom of facebook—he was on line I was on line & we chatted. “What games do you play”, he asked. I responded, “none”. He typed back, “I said what games do you play?” Persistent little devil he was. Finally I typed back, “I’m new to facebook and I don’t play any, & I don’t know how to play games.” “Oh", he typed back. Then he typed again, “If I send you an invitation to play a game, will you accept?" “Okay, I can try, and it depends on what type of games, but I don’t promise I’ll be any good at playing games.” It took several tries of his sending invitations to play games because I didn’t know where to look for the invitations. So on chat again he gave me concise instructions were to look for the game invitation. It was fishville & fishworld. Then frontierville. I finally managed to get started in frontierville.
My facebook friend John Doe & I played 5 games together. Gradually he dropped out of two, frontierville & zooville. Then it was no fun in zooville to play alone so I quit, too. Then we played fishville & fishworld—I finally decided I didn’t want to do fishworld anymore, so I’ve quit playing that game. Now I play zooworld, fishville, fishworld, farmville, & frontierville now. Oh, I'm back to playing fishworld.
So you see what’s happened here?: Because of John Doe, & my nephew's friend Fred I’ve become a facebook game junkie and an addict!!!
Here is an overview of the games I play. If you feel you know what my addiction is now & don’t want to peruse the rest of this post, that’s fine, I'll understand completely--or maybe you're panting with bated breath to get to your own games on facebook...
Out of all of these games I like Frontierville the best. I’m building up a frontier town out of the wilderness, constantly battling to keep what land I’ve cleared off & homesteaded from nasty rattlesnakes, bears, foxes & gophers plus the constant growing back of grass, rocks, thorns, skulls, pine trees & oak trees. Always being given new challenges to meet while building up my frontier town. Also me & my neighbors can ask each other for various items or we can gift each other what we think is needed. We can buy animals, trees, decorations, buildings, and crops. We even earn ourselves a spouse, then a kid, then we have to get a school house and on and on and on. BTW when I earned my spouse, I got a warning that I had to keep an eyeon him because he might stray. STRAY? Even in games my spouse is going to stray? Well one day I clicked into my game & couldn’t find him. I looked & looked & then I found him at the very edge in the trees trying to run away. I clicked on him & the game posted you just kept your spouse from straying. Since then I called him “My no account spouse” when it’s said fast it sorts runs together, so I named him Noah. (NoahAccountSpouse—do you get it—my nephew laughed at this). Before I earned my spouse I had built our home, and a general store, a hotel, got the land cleared, of course, planted crops, etc. etc. It’s been fun to see if I could catch up with my nephew Mike’s friend Fred. Well I caught up and we leap-frogged each other for a while, but now I’m about three levels higher than him. I also play now with my great nephew David, in Wales, who is constantly leveling up much faster than I did. I also have some neighbors that come from Farmville, so I’m finally getting some neighbors. Oh and now I've also earned a child. I also called her "my no account brat" she was always hiding out like her dad. So now I've named her Noadeen--since on facebook my name is "Deen."
And Farmville is taking the bare land you start out with & planting crops, gradually earning points & Farmville dollars to buy a horse stable, chicken coops, pig pens, animal nursery barn, storage units, barns, & other utility items, while visiting my neighbors & we help each other out. We gift each other items Fred is at a higher level than me in this game, but my farm is cooler than his. (But don't tell him I said that, & Fred if you read this don't get grumpy with me.) My friend Claire posted on her facebook wall that her friend Fostine needed neighbors, so about 5 friended me & play with me. Then one of her friends, Jack Doe (name changed to protect the innocent) posted to his friends that he would vouch for me and that I needed more friends & Farmville neighbors. Well it’s a lot more fun to play when you have neighbors. Jack Doe really inundated me with friend invites from his friends. He posted on my wall that if I had any questions I could holler at him. I commented back that I might have to holder loudly. Being inundated with friends all at once was really neat. And sometimes the friend invites still come in--even neater. Oh and now my niece in Wales has come back to farmville to play--neat!!!
My friend John Doe, Fred, my great niece Krissy play Fishville. They are all at a higher level than I am. We get an empty tank with a background setting that we choose. Then we have to buy fish, raise them & sell them to earn coins & fish dollars. We can gift each other decorations or fish & have fun playing.
Zoo World
John Doe, my niece Anne & her husband, Philip, my nephew Richard & Brenda from Wales and then a friend they introduced me to & sent an invitation to be zoo neighbors with me in this game. Richard is at the highest level, than Brenda, than Anne, than her their friend, and then Philip, than me. I now have four islands with zoos on them & I’ve placed animals, kiosks, decorations, animal topiaries, animal statuettes—each island is of a different configuration. You earn zoo coins when you visit neighbors, click on certain trees, flowers, topiaries, animal & statuettes I don’t have many zoo dollars though. I think I accrued another neighbor or two from farmville that play this game, too.
Addiction & Fear
Now I’m sooooo addicted that I can’t leave my computer. After booting up my computer, I open my email first, then to twitter to read what my Celtic Thunder lads are up to. Then I open facebook—then I’m lost for the day. I just have to see what my game neighbors are posting, what they are gifting & who can click faster to get the gift first. I must say that sometimes gifts are gone in a matter of 30 seconds or less. I click & it says sorry this gift is gone, blah, blah, blah. I feel soooo lucky when I get something. Plus it’s fun to comment on postings.
Wall postings
Oh, Oh, Oh, not to get off the subject of games but, I posted on Neil Byrne’s wall about the travel mug I ordered & received I told him I was pleased that he had his picture on both sides of the mug, so it was good for both right handed or left handed people. I told him I was very pleased with all the merchandise I’ve received. Little did I know another fan of his would read my posting & comment “where did you find it, I was in his store & didn’t see it?” Well I found the email Neil sent me about his store. I clicked on the link then at the bottom I clicked on Neil on Reverbnation. That’s where the travel mug, tote bags were. I copied the link & went back to her comment, & did a comment of my own & pasted in the link & hoped it would work for her. She replied it worked very well, thank you for sharing. I did not no that anyone would really read my comments on facebook. But surprise, surprise they did. I even commented to another fan about Neil's’ appearance now, most of the time he’s not wearing his piercings (in his eyebrow & ear) & he doesn’t have his goatee anymore but some type of little chin beard that’s not a goatee. I said I missed his piercings, but that I would take Neil any way he wanted to change appearance. I also said I found him very handsome & sexy no matter what & enjoyed seeing him in concert in Everett WA. OMG, two people read my comment and agreed with me. This is another part of facebook that I’ve become addicted too, being able to post on my family & friends wall & comment back and forth. I commented to my great, great niece in Wales & she comments back In fact the other day she said she was going to start a story & every one write a line—that was hilarious. facebook postings are just lots of fun and good craic!!!
Yes, I’m a facebook game addict. I may soon have to join facebook games anonymous & stand up in front of my group & say, “ I’m Fostine, I have a big problem I’m addicted to playing games on face book.” the other day I set up a TV tray by my computer so I could try to click on gifts, and play a game & try to eat my supper. That didn’t work out at all, by the time I would remember to take a fork-full of food it was cooling down, then it was cold. Blast it anyway—maybe I can find one of those hats that have a place where people put a can of beer up there with a straw—I could get some of those instant breakfast that you add milk to & put them in a travel mug or something that I could stick a straw in it & then remember to take a sip now and then.
LOL!!! Some days I don’t even get dressed, I stumble from bed to the computer still wearing my night gown. & amble over to my computer, boot up, then go make my coffee & bring it back to my computer table. I’ve been trying to figure out how to sew & play games, but haven’t come up with anything yet. But my mind is stewing this problem like getting a lap top computer to take into the sewing room & placing it on the sewing machine table. But then I would need more eyes & extra hands to manipulate everything. Oh well I may tire of this addiction at some time—Oh, oh, oh, I forgot to tell you this is the first time I’ve ever played games on the computer. Maybe that’s why I can’t leave them alone-hmmmmmnnnn is that a truth or just an excuse?
LOL!!! Some days I don’t even get dressed, I stumble from bed to the computer still wearing my night gown. & amble over to my computer, boot up, then go make my coffee & bring it back to my computer table. I’ve been trying to figure out how to sew & play games, but haven’t come up with anything yet. But my mind is stewing this problem like getting a lap top computer to take into the sewing room & placing it on the sewing machine table. But then I would need more eyes & extra hands to manipulate everything. Oh well I may tire of this addiction at some time—Oh, oh, oh, I forgot to tell you this is the first time I’ve ever played games on the computer. Maybe that’s why I can’t leave them alone-hmmmmmnnnn is that a truth or just an excuse?
Well my kitties, my luvs, my peeps, I’ll leave you to stew over this long posting. I must get back to my games, oops, did I just say that?
--Glory-Oskie Zero, I wish today were tomorrow, luv Fostine.
--Glory-Oskie Zero, I wish today were tomorrow, luv Fostine.