What? Who's talking here. Why 10 more? When did this happen? Okay, okay, I'll let you in on what's going on with me now--don't get your knickers in a twist. I made my right shoulder sore. I moved some boxes--and then Celtic Thunder's new show was on PBS. "It's Entertainment" and is it entertaining. I loved every minute with the lads, trying to sing with them, trying to copy their arm movements--and that George singing "I'll walk 500 miles"--what gestures he makes & I'm trying to keep up with him.
Golly gee, I have Direct TV Network & the lads were performing on my other PBS station so I watched them again singing at the top of my lungs & gesturing with my arms. And what else did I discover? The lads are on YouTube--at least 63 videos. I swear I walked 500 miles with George so many times by pushing that replay button--(now don't get jealous Ryan, I don't want to tell people here how many times I played & replayed your videos that night--you're still number one with me.)
(well, that big Scotsman can walk 500 miles and come home to me anytime--oh, oh, the other Celtic Thunder lads say George has fallen in love with this song & just loves to perform it, but now that's only the gossip I've heard.)
George & I must have walked several thousand miles-I was up half the night playing the lads' videos on YouTube. Plus I was playing the videos of the lads' interviews with different people--very interesting. I've downloaded some to my computer. I haven't tried to play them yet--oops I'm digressing again.
Oh, what has all this to do with anything you say? Well I said take it easy, don't get your knickers in a twist--I'm getting to that part. This is my story and if you want to hear it settle down now. I called my sister Betty & told her my right shoulder was sore & what I'd been up to, "For heavens sake Fostine don't you know your old. You can't do all that motioning any more!" Well, what can I say--it was fun while it lasted.
Finally after 2 weeks of pain I called my primary care giver, got an appointment to come in. First I told the nurse, then I told my doc what I'd been up to. "Geez Fostine, you can watch all the Celtic Thunder shows on PBS, CT videos that you want just don't get so aggressive when you're doing it." Wise advise from my primary care giver. Guess what he labeled it--tendinitis in the right shoulder. One cortisone shot later & some simple exercises to do for three weeks plus a return appointment so he can evaluate how I'm doing.
No it's not any better. Neither did the cortisone shot work, it lasted for about a day, two at the most and that's all. Well my doc recommended physical therapy, an MRI, and an appointment with my Orthopedic Surgeon. I go to physical therapy now twice a week. I wanted to go back to the care center where I stayed after my knee surgery. I got in, they do take out-patients for physical therapy & Aaron did my in-take appointment and started me off with some exercise. I love it best when Aaron works on the shoulder and all I do is lay there on the table. Geeez I hate it when he makes me sit up and do the exercises. I swear he watches me like a hawk--no no Fostine, hold your arm like this as he shows me with his arm & reaches over to reposition mine in the correct position for that exercise. I see that Fosine, you're cheating, no, no, just relax your shoulders, that's it, you're doing fine now. Golly gee Aaron give an old lady a bleeding chance. Can't I cheat even a little bit--no way the exercises won't do you any good if you cheat. He had me do a new exercise the other day to strengthen the shoulders & that's when he said, "okay Fostine just 10 more!"
Now it's off to the scheduled MRI at our local hospital. Mmmnph!!! Can you imagine the MRI technician trying to stuff ME into that little tube? He positioned me on the table & he pushed me in so far & then brought me back out to reposition my left arm higher on to my body. He turned around to do something & that's when I jumped off that table. *@!#?*&%!@* "...I can't do this I yelled." I'd have run right out of that building but I had my right shoulder & arm fastened down to my body. "No problem miss there are a lot of people who can't handle our small MRI machine. Just call your doctor's office & let them know what's going on." I called my doc's office & I told my doctor's assistant "even if they make an MRI tube big enough for a whale no one is stuffing me into a blasted tube!"
Mmmmnph!!! I saw my orthopedic surgeon--he demands an MRI so I'm being sent out of town to a medical center that says they have a large open-sided machine. I go this Friday. My friend Elinor will be driving me & giving me support. I sure hope I don't come yelling & screaming out of their room. The orthopedic surgeon is concerned that its been 2 months & 4 physical therapy sessions and my shoulder is still giving me lots of pain. He's worried it may be more than tendinitis, that it could be a torn rotator cuff or some other stupid thing that could be repaired by surgery. If it's just tendinitis then he can set up a course of treatment for me.
Anyways at this time, according to my Nephew Mike, I'm on the DL (disabled list), if its a torn rotator cuff then I'm out for the season. (For those of you not familiar with those terms, that's baseball lingo. My nephew Mike & I are huge baseball fans.) I'll keep you posted after my MRI, should it take place & with my next visit to my orthopedic surgeon as to what's happening with my shoulder. Until then don't get your knickers in a twist.
Now my kitties, my luvs, my peeps, I need to be off & doing other things, thanks much for being with me for a while...
--Glory-oskie Zero, I wish today were tomorrow, luv Fostine.
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