Well, it's Friday, July 30 ,2010, when I woke up this morning, the first thing that I did was sit up in bed, remove the blasted sling & give it a big toss. My arm is free--yeah--my arm is free. It can hang down the side of body like it's meant too. BUT I still have a long way to go.
We started active physical therapy the day before I removed my sling & boy is it surprising how much movement can be lost in six weeks of no movement. My arm & shoulder were tired & sore from the PT the next day. I tried to get my arm behind my back & it didn't want to go there. OUCH!!!
I hate to say it but I've let my arm rest this weekend. I did not do my PT exercises. My shoulder & arm were very sore. I found out that was because I did not apply ice after the PT treatment. I will start them on Monday--I promise. I forget that just because my arm is free, that I can't do lots of things with it. I try to move it one way or reach up & it doesn't go where I want it to & I wind up saying, "oh ouch, oh ouch, oh ouch." Geez, can't I remember a simple thing that I still have to take it easy with my right arm & shoulder until the muscles get stretched back out again?
I did a little bit of sewing the other day & that felt good. I cut some fabric with my right arm. Not too much, of course, but I cut a little bit. It really felt good to do something creative.
I can type better (of course, that doesn't mean I can spell any better) now that I'm out of the sling. It's really maahvelous to feel free.
I'm trying to do a little more cooking. No more Meals-On-Wheels. I can crack an egg open & have eggs over easy again. You don't know how good they tasted--I swear I was eating Royal Sevruga Caviar with its unique intensity which caviar connoisseurs find so appealing.
Now I understand that the Royal Sevruga is a small to medium sized, delicately coloured bead with a gray hue & a bright, robust flavour. Of course, it's imported and from the wild Acipenser Stellatus (Sevruga Sturgeon). I really don't want to drop price here, OH HECK, WHY NOT?
1.06 oz or 1 serving is $364.00; 1 3/4 oz. or 1-2 servings is $594.00; 4 3/8 oz. or 4-8 servings is $1461.00; 8 3/4 oz. IS ONLY $2885.00. I'll not bore you with the other servings sizes & prices. Check it out here if you want more information. Petrossin Gormet Foods
Not that I've ever eaten or tasted Royal Sevruga Caviar or that I'm sure that I would even want to. But who know what tomorrow may bring? Sorry to have rambled off the subject here, but I enjoyed it, I hope you have also.
Well, what better place to leave you my kitties my luvs, my peeps. I'm actually going to find my self something to eat and not Royal Sevruga Caviar.
--Glory-oskie Zero, I wish today were tomorrow, luv Fostine.
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