Wednesday, November 10, 2010

OMG—I’m An Addict!!!

 Well the truth finally comes out—hanging my head in shame, shuffling my feet, eyes cast downward—I’m so sorry to have to admit this awful truth.

Well it all started with Celtic Thunder. Why does everything have to start with them you ask? And do you have to read this startling discovery? I really don’t care if you do or you don’t to be honest. But if you want to read the startling discover of my addiction, I guess you’d better read on.
Well when I first discovered Celtic Thunder, yes my handsome Irish Lads plus one handsome Scotsman, I ordered their CD’s from Amazon.Com. When they came I found out they had a website. Being curious, I typed in the URL and gobbled up everything that was there & found out they blogged, they were on Fan Pop, My Space, Facebook, Twitter, Reverbnation, You tube, & other places. In order to access all these places, I had to join to see all their information. Most of them I visit about once a month. EXCEPT FOR facebook & twitter. I go there every day.

Lead In To Addiction

Now here comes the biggie!!! Facebook—I didn’t do too much there because I didn’t know it’s power. And boy do I love power. I was friendless for the longest time. Then I let 2 or 3 friends know I was on there. WOW!!! What an explosion when I let my friend Claire know I was on there. I searched for her name & found her, sent her a friend request then she accepted. Then she sent me a message recommending her husband as a friend, then he recommended a friend.

 Hey!!! When are you going to get to the good part about your addiction?

In The Beginning 
Well, as I’ve said before, don’t get you’re knickers in a twist!!!  I’m getting there, if you’ll just let me tell my addiction story. I believe when addicts stand up and tell their story, they have the floor, they have the "talking stick," and get to speak without interruptions.

So, as I was saying, Claire’s husband Nick recommended John Doe  (name changed to protect the innocent as he's a minor) as a friend, so I sent him a friend request and that was the end of my peaceful life as I once knew it. Oh, oh, wait, I also have to lay some blame on my nephew Mike & his friend Fred. I let my nephew Mike know I was on facebook & he had me look up his friend Fred. I found him & clicked the friend invite button. Then Fred kept nagging (now don't say you didn't) my nephew. To ask Fostine to do this unbeknownst addicting thing!!!
Invites Roll In
Then when John Doe accepted my invite for friend, there’s a chat icon at the bottom of facebook—he was on line I was on line & we chatted. “What games do you play”, he asked. I responded, “none”. He typed back, “I said what games do you play?” Persistent little devil he was. Finally I typed back, “I’m new to facebook and I don’t play any, & I don’t know how to play games.” “Oh", he typed back. Then he typed again, “If I send you an invitation to play a game, will you accept?" “Okay, I can try, and it depends on what type of games, but I don’t promise I’ll be any good at playing games.” It took several tries of his sending invitations to play games because I didn’t know where to look for the invitations. So on chat again he gave me concise instructions were to look for the game invitation. It was fishville & fishworld. Then frontierville. I finally managed to get started in frontierville.

My facebook friend John Doe &  I played 5 games together. Gradually he dropped out of two, frontierville & zooville. Then it was no fun in zooville to play alone so I quit, too. Then we played fishville & fishworld—I finally decided I didn’t want to do fishworld anymore, so I’ve quit playing that game. Now I play zooworld, fishville, fishworld, farmville, & frontierville now. Oh, I'm back to playing fishworld.
So you see what’s happened here?: Because of John Doe, & my nephew's friend Fred I’ve become a facebook game junkie and an addict!!!
Here is an overview of the games I play. If you feel you know what my addiction is now & don’t want to peruse the rest of this post, that’s fine, I'll understand completely--or maybe you're panting with bated breath to get to your own games on facebook...

 Out of all of these games I like Frontierville the best. I’m building up a frontier town out of the wilderness, constantly battling to keep what land I’ve cleared off & homesteaded from nasty rattlesnakes, bears, foxes & gophers plus the constant growing back of grass, rocks, thorns, skulls, pine trees & oak trees. Always being given new challenges to meet while building up my frontier town. Also me & my neighbors can ask each other for various items or we can gift each other what we think is needed. We can buy animals, trees, decorations, buildings, and crops. We even earn ourselves a spouse, then a kid, then we have to get a school house and on and on and on. BTW when I earned my spouse, I got a warning that I had to keep an eyeon him because he might stray. STRAY? Even in games my spouse is going to stray? Well one day I clicked into my game & couldn’t find him. I looked & looked & then I found him at the very edge in the trees trying to run away. I clicked on him & the game posted you just kept your spouse from straying. Since then I called him “My no account spouse” when it’s said fast it sorts runs together, so I named him Noah. (NoahAccountSpouse—do you get it—my nephew laughed at this). Before I earned my spouse I had built our home, and a general store, a hotel, got the land cleared, of course, planted crops, etc. etc. It’s been fun to see if I could catch up with my nephew Mike’s friend Fred. Well I caught up and we leap-frogged each other for a while, but now I’m about three levels higher than him. I also play now with my great nephew David, in Wales, who is constantly leveling up much faster than I did. I also have some neighbors that come from Farmville, so I’m finally getting some neighbors. Oh and now I've also earned a child. I also called her "my no account brat" she was always hiding out like her dad. So now I've named her Noadeen--since on facebook my name is "Deen."
And Farmville is taking the bare land you start out with & planting crops, gradually earning points & Farmville dollars to buy a horse stable, chicken coops, pig pens, animal nursery barn, storage units, barns, & other utility items, while visiting my neighbors & we help each other out. We gift each other items  Fred is at a higher level than me in this game, but my farm is cooler than his. (But don't tell him I said that, & Fred if you read this don't get grumpy with me.) My friend Claire posted on her facebook wall that her friend Fostine needed neighbors, so about 5 friended me & play with me. Then one of her friends, Jack Doe (name changed to protect the innocent) posted to his friends that he would vouch for me and that I needed more friends & Farmville neighbors. Well it’s a lot more fun to play when you have neighbors. Jack Doe really inundated me with friend invites from his friends. He posted on my wall that if I had any questions I could holler at him. I commented back that I might have to holder loudly. Being inundated with friends all at once was really neat. And sometimes the friend invites still come in--even neater. Oh and now my niece in Wales has come back to farmville to play--neat!!!
My friend John Doe, Fred, my great niece Krissy play Fishville. They are all at a higher level than I am. We get an empty tank with a background setting that we choose. Then we have to buy fish, raise them & sell them to earn coins & fish dollars. We can gift each other decorations or fish & have fun playing. 
Zoo World
John Doe, my niece Anne & her husband, Philip, my nephew Richard & Brenda from Wales and then a friend they introduced me to & sent an invitation to be zoo neighbors with me in this game. Richard is at the highest level, than Brenda, than Anne, than her their friend, and then Philip, than me. I now have four islands with zoos on them & I’ve placed animals, kiosks, decorations, animal topiaries, animal statuettes—each island is of a different configuration. You earn zoo coins when you visit neighbors, click on certain trees, flowers, topiaries, animal  & statuettes I don’t have many zoo dollars though. I think I accrued another neighbor or two from farmville that play this game, too.

Addiction  & Fear
Now I’m sooooo addicted that I can’t leave my computer. After booting up my computer, I open my email first, then to twitter to read what my Celtic Thunder lads are up to. Then I open facebook—then I’m lost for the day. I just have to see what my game neighbors are posting, what they are gifting & who can click faster to get the gift first. I must say that sometimes gifts are gone in a matter of 30 seconds or less. I click & it says sorry this gift is gone, blah, blah, blah. I feel soooo lucky when I get something. Plus it’s fun to comment on postings.
Wall postings
Oh, Oh, Oh, not to get off the subject of games but, I posted on Neil Byrne’s wall about the travel mug I ordered & received I told him I was pleased that he had his picture on both sides of the mug, so it was good for both right handed or left handed people. I told him I was very pleased with all the merchandise I’ve received. Little did I know another fan of his would read my posting & comment “where did you find it, I was in his store & didn’t see it?” Well I found the email Neil sent me about his store. I clicked on the link then at the bottom I clicked on Neil on Reverbnation. That’s where the travel mug, tote bags were. I copied the link & went back to her comment, & did a comment of my own & pasted in the link & hoped it would work for her. She replied it worked very well, thank you for sharing. I did not no that anyone would really read my comments on facebook. But surprise, surprise they did. I even commented to another fan about Neil's’ appearance now, most of the time he’s not wearing his piercings (in his eyebrow & ear) & he doesn’t have his goatee anymore but some type of little chin beard that’s not a goatee. I said I missed his piercings, but that I would take Neil any way he wanted to change appearance. I also said I found him very handsome & sexy no matter what & enjoyed seeing him in concert in Everett WA. OMG, two people read my comment and agreed with me. This is another part of facebook that I’ve become addicted too, being able to post on my family & friends wall & comment back and forth. I commented to my great, great niece in Wales & she comments back In fact the other day she said she was going to start a story & every one write a line—that was hilarious. facebook postings are just lots of fun and good craic!!!
Yes, I’m a facebook game addict. I may soon have to join facebook games anonymous & stand up in front of my group & say, “ I’m Fostine, I have a big problem I’m addicted to playing games on face book.” the other day I set up a TV tray by my computer so I could try to click on gifts, and play a game & try to eat my supper. That didn’t work out at all, by the time I would remember to take a fork-full of food it was cooling down, then it was cold. Blast it anyway—maybe I can find one of those hats that have a place where people put a can of beer up there with a straw—I could get some of those instant breakfast that you add milk to & put them in a travel mug or something that I could stick a straw in it & then remember to take  a sip now and then. 

LOL!!! Some days I don’t even get dressed, I stumble from bed to the computer still wearing my night gown. & amble over to my computer, boot up, then go make my coffee & bring it back to my computer table. I’ve been trying to figure out how to sew & play games, but haven’t come up with anything yet. But my mind is stewing this problem like getting a lap top computer to take into the sewing room & placing it on the sewing machine table. But then I would need more eyes & extra hands to manipulate everything. Oh well I may tire of this addiction at some time—Oh, oh, oh, I forgot to tell you this is the first time I’ve ever played games on the computer. Maybe that’s why I can’t leave them alone-hmmmmmnnnn is that a truth or just an excuse?
Well my kitties, my luvs, my peeps, I’ll leave you to stew over this long posting. I must get back to my games, oops, did I just say that?

     --Glory-Oskie Zero, I wish today were tomorrow, luv Fostine.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Celtic Thunder Concert

Okay, I know, I know, it’s Celtic Thunder again, & again, & again. But this is different. I actually went to Everett WA last Friday, October 30, 2010 & saw them in person. OMG!!! Talk about chills, thrills, shivers, & all kind of good feelings running thru me each time one of the lads came up to sing or even when they all sang together as a group. I know this is going to be a long post so I’ve tried to break it up into sections for you to make it an easier read.

Act I
The Irish song portion was fantastic. I luved it when they did a little jig when they were singing. The Irish songs they sang were “Heartland sung by the group; Buachaill On Eirne by Damian; The Dutchman by Keith; Black Is The Colour by Ryan; Home From The Sea by the group. Other group numbers were; Just A Song At Twilight by Paul & Damian;
now this is funny, Damian was wearing a white tie & it was long. He was sitting on the step & the lady on my left elbowed me & asked if I thought Damian ripped his pants when he sat down. I looked at his crotch & gasped, I hope not. I elbowed Melissa, she looked, we all looked again & again—because there was this white area that looked like a big rip in his trousers showing his underwear. After staring at his crotch area for awhile—& I think all three of us came to the same conclusion about the same time that it was his long white tie hanging between his legs—giving the appearance of ripped trousers. 
Oh, now back to the song list—Belfast Polka by the band; Noirin Mó Stoirin sung by Neil; Skye Boat Song by George; Red Red Rose by Paul; Whisky In The Jar by Keith & Neil, & A Place In The Choir by the group. Man-O-Man. I don’t think I’ll ever get over this. I yelled, I hollered, I screamed, I waved my arms, I clapped my hands, and made comments about the performances. All I know is that I want to go again. Our seating was on the floor, row 26, seats 19 & 20. Next time I want to be closer to my Lads!!!
Act II
The Lads perform songs from their latest show “That’s Entertainment. All my Lads did really well with their songs.

Review: Paul Byrom’s Performance
When Paul came out and sang “Sway” I had to take back everything I said about his version of “Sway”. It’s just so much more mahhhhvelooous when I’m sitting there & seeing him in person. Listening to him sing the song on a CD is just not the same thing!!! I don’t know how Paul did this—to remember the words to the song, sing the song, lean the floor mike back & forth with one hand, caress the mike with the other hand, sway his body in time to the music, & then give the audience smoldering looks with his eyes, what a performance!!! He was doing all kinds of sexy things to that microphone that should be illegal on stage & that he should be doing to me—I just didn’t know that Paul could be so “sexified”
OOPS!!! I have officially turned into a “Dirty Old Lady” now when I commented “He can caress me like that anytime.” The woman sitting on my left told me I heard that.
Some of theThunder Heads have “tweeted” Paul wondering why Sharon won’t release the video of him singing “Sway.” Paul wrote on Twitter saying the comments he was getting about Sway were to hot to handle, & said they were getting to be PG18. I tweeted back & told him I couldn’t write my comment because he would have to go to “X-Rated!!! My-O-My I’m still in heaven! Paul also sang the “Doo Waka Doo” number & he out did himself again—. How can Paul go wrong when he wears a Tux with tails, and a top hat & twirls that cane, & dances while singing. The audience went wild. I know I did. When he was through I yelled out “Paul, my sister says you steal the show with that number”. I think I heard Melissa concur.

Review: Ryan Kelly's Performance
Yes, yes I know my favorite is Ryan & I’ve rambled on and on about Paul’s sexified performance, and I lead off this posting with Paul, but that doesn’t mean Ryan wasn’t as good. The stage lights were dimmed, but I knew immediately when he stepped on to the stage at the very beginning. Shivers ran through my body when he took his “spread-legged-stance.” I screamed out, “There’s Ryan, it’s Ryan, there’s my favourite.” OMG, he just looked soooooo handsome—I can’t help getting those shivers running through my body again--knowing he came on the stage. That sexy-raspiness of his voice when hes sings--I think is the 8th Wonder of the World. Now that’s just my opinion & I know you’re allowed your own, BUT you better not disagree with me to my face or...or I don’t know what right now. I love the song “Everything I Do”—yes I know Ryan, you do it for me & only me—I don’t care what the other fans think--
When "It’s Entertainment” was filmed in Canada, I read that the men who performed back up with Ryan in “Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown” were Canadians who auditioned & were hired to do that number with him. He did not sing “Bad, Bad Leroy Brown this time.
In this performance he sang, “Viva La Vida” which is a new song for me to hear, & it was really wonderful. But then again Ryan could sing to me from a set of encyclopedias & I would luv it.

Review: Damian McGinty’s Performance
Damian had no girls for him to watch when he sang “Standing On The Corner.” I know that when they are touring they must be limited as to who gets to come along.  
Just a little blurb here from Damian, he tweeted that he took stage & began to sing Standing on the cornor...OH NO!!! He said he just forgot the words. He didn't say what he did until he remembered what came next. He said I've been singing since almost age nothing & have never, never forgotten the words to a song!! 
His other song “Home” was performed well, too. He’s gotten so tall from when he started out. He’s almost as tall as George. And his voice is so deep now. My friend Melissa & I were trying to figure out which was deeper, baritone or bass. I was going to look it up, but haven’t yet. I mention this only because in the program I think it read that his voice was now baritone, when in the Christmas CD blurb it was printed that they didn’t know that Damian’s voice was going to go bass—or something like that. I’m not getting out the CD to read it & quote it verbatim. He tweeted on his birthday on Twitter that (not precisely, now) today’s my birthday, I’m 18, I’m an adult now. LOL!! When I turned 18 I don’t think I knew I was an adult—but then again I’m not a performer like him & have been doing gigs since I was young. It was sooooo much fun to sit in an audience of CT fans & hear them scream, whistle, get excited as I did yelling for their favourite or just because we all love Celtic Thunder!!!

Review: Keith Harkin’s Performance
Keith, we discovered has long, long, long, legs. The lady sitting to my left noted this & whispered it to me & I whispered it to Melissa. So we all took a good-long-look at his long legs.
Keith reported on Twitter, a day before the concert that he was in the hospital in the emergency section & sat & sat & the stupid doctors took a long time to get to him (not sure if it was in Oregon or if they had crossed over into Washington, he did not specify where). Some fans reported it was his hand, others his little finger, others his wrist. I think it was his wrist.
But he still performed “Surfer Melody” and sang & played his guitar. He wore his green suit, he says he loves his green suit & it's his, not wardrobe. But I don’t think he & Neil did that guitar duet together. His other song “Hard to Say I’m Sorry” was really, really wonderful. But then again Keith is one of my favourites. He got to do some surfing when they were in San Francisco. He tweeted that he needed to get back in touch with nature. I’m happy for him that he got his wish. He just looks soooo handsome in person, I love his blond hair & dimples. BTW, Keith changed his hair do. Now he has a more sophisticated look. I’m all for change, some fans don’t like it & told him so. At first when I saw him on TV promoting this tour I wondered who he was, then my mouth fell open when I realized it was him. Well I’ve become used to—sorta —to this new Keith look & I’m liking this new look!!! But I've noticed that he's letting his hair grow long again & wearing it as before.

Review: George Donaldson’s Performance
George, George, George, my big hunky Scotsman. I love that bald head, and I can't say here what I would like to do with it, you’ll just have to use your imagination. He sang; “Hello Again” & “Life Without You”—oh my goodness, George, I can’t imagine a life without you anymore. And to think you were working in a factory & performing whenever you could get a gig in now & then. I’m sure happy you auditioned for Celtic Thunder & were chosen. You add so much to the group & I like the way they let you lead the rest of the Lads out on to the stage when you sing group songs. Makes me sorta feel like you’re the leader. Now it’s not that there’s nothing to say about George’s performance, it’s just you’ll get tired of me telling you how handsome the Lads are and how well they performed. My seat mate to my left & her son & wished he could have sung 500 miles, but that song was in the last show. It’s a good thing he didn’t because as it was, Melissa whispered to me, that’s enough waving of your arm now Fostine. She followed up with sometimes I’ll clap my one hand on my knee. Well what did I do? I used my right arm to clap on my left knee—smart huh—NOT. When George left the stage, I screamed out, “you’re my big hunky Scotsman!!!”

Review: Neil Byrne’s Performance
And last but not least, my Neil Byrne. My goodness, such a versatile performer. Lead guitar player, plays the drums, singer, performer. Sigh, sigh, sigh & shivers, shivers, total body shivers. Phil Coulter wrote a special song for him to sing in this tour called, “Noirin Mó Stoirin” Ooooooohhh his beautiful voice & that song just meld together to make gorgeous sounds. Many of Neil’s fans wanted to know more about the song so he replied in his facebook page. Here’s the link Neil shared on Twitter about the song.

I wish Neil could have sung “When You Wish Upon A Star” I play that song over & over & over. I just sigh (I know, you’re getting tired of me saying sigh, but I just looked up synonyms for it & can’t find any I like. So if you want to comment on a synonym for me I’d appreciate. You know I am trying to keep this from being “X-rated.” I just love looking at Neil in his kilt when he’s working in the band. He changed into his Armani suit when he did “Hallelujah” with Ryan & Keith. Faint away, I could just faint & slide off my chair on to the floor….My three favourite Lads on the stage together, singing--their voices blending so well. Looking sooooooo resplendant . The lady sitting on my left whispered to me I hope they don't have to carry you out, I was so excited. I told Melissa I made sure I brought my medical card in my wallet & I used my Advair inhaler.

Review: Closing Song

When my Lads came out on stage in their Kilts my heart beat so fast, I knew in my head it was the last song of the show coming up. They sang “Ireland’s Call” I just love that song. And their legs—I love looking at their handsome legs. I do luv a man in a kilt. Especially these Celtic Thunder Men in their kilts. Is it possible that when thousands of men who auditioned for this job that these 5 were picked. In the song book I bought they described Ryan as the typical Irish male. Now tell me if he is, the typical Irish male are there no unhandsome men in Ireland? I’m telling you I think I’m almost ready to move to Ireland. You know I do have roots on my Dad’s side that go back to Dublin Ireland. When the Lads turned their backs to the audience & then turned back around & swirled their kilts—screams emanated from the audience—I screamed swirl those kilts, swirl those kilts Lads.Paul really swirled his kilt & “I saw London, I saw France, I saw Paul’s Thunder Pants!!!” & you know what? They were “tidy whitties.” I forgot, I keep telling everyone, I saw six good looking Celtic butts when my Lads had their backside to the audience.I think I’m getting all hot all over again just writing about it.

When the song was over & the lads exited the stage & when the people started leaving the arena—I wondered what was going on. I couldn’t get it through my head that the concert was over. I stood there stunned. The lady on my left, asked me if it was over. Finally it got through my head that it was . I still want more!!! Can anyone fault me for wanting more? I can’t repeat it enough that this was a wonderful experience for me. I very happy that I got brave enough to call about tickets & I’m very very happy that my friend Melissa was able to join me. She helped me be brave enough to do this whole trip.
When we left the staging area & walked to the elevator, there was a group of people all ready there. We all waited & waited. Finally a young man asked “did anyone push the down button?” Everyone assured him they did. We waited & waited some more. Finally the young man asked his elderly grandmother if she thought she could do one flight of stairs. She said she thought she could. Then he said, “this is silly, as soon as we leave the elevator will come.” So they came back to wait. Others left to use the stairs. Then the young man said maybe we just need to sing it down. So I told him if he started a song we’d all join in. He started singing “When Irish Eyes are Smiling” & we all joined in and by golly by gum here comes the elevator. Well we finished the song inside the elevator & the grandmother told me I had a good singing voice. MOI??? I thanked her, but I’m sure I can't carry a tune in a bucket. But maybe, just maybe, some of the essence of Celtic Thunder surrounded me & helped me sing the elevator down, too.

Oh another tidbit here, the older lady sitting in the row in front of me turned around & asked me if I could stop screaming so much. She said she had one bad ear & my screaming was irritating it. I just looked at her & said Lady this is a music concert—a Celtic Thunder concert—what did you expect when you came here? If you have a bad ear, maybe you should have brought some ear plugs. I told her my friend Melissa wasn’t sure how loud things were going to get so she brought earplugs. My seat mate on my left hard the lady complaining to me & told me what a rude lady she was. There was no way I wasn’t going to stop & not enjoy myself at my first concert. If I wanted to scream & holler I will, by dag gum I will & I’ll enjoy every last minute of this concert—So There!!! I think I'm a late bloomer.

One last tidbit & it’s what my sister told me I should do when the Lads come out in there kilts. She said I should get up out of my seat & roll down the aisle until I was right at the stage so I could peek up & look under the Lads kilts!!! OMG—I mentioned it to the lady on my left & we just laughed & laughed. Watch out, crazy old lady rolling down the aisle!! LOL!!! What could the show management do—escort me out—it’s the end of the show!!

Oh, oh, I didn't even mention the Pre-show Dinner Package which you get all of the following:
    -Dinner Buffet (menu listed below)
    -Prize giveaways
    -Private entrance to event
    -No Service Charges
    -Access to VIP Club Lounge at intermission
    -One (1) parking pass per two (2) dinners

Dinner Buffet Menu:
    -Baked Salmon with Tomato Hollandaise Sauce
    -Chef Carved Honey Orange Baked Ham with Roasted Pineapple Salsa
    -Rice Pilaf with Garden Vegetables
    -Mixed Greens with Smoked Bacon and Egg tossed in a Honey Cider Vinagrette
    -Dill Glazed Carrots
    -Assorted Rolls and Butter
    -Assorted Cakes and Pies
    -Cash Bar
    -One complimentary beverage

It was a lot of fun to attend this dinner. Melissa and I were seated at table four. I hate to keep saying how much fun it was to be in this dining hall & be seated with other CT fans. I chatted with the other fans seated at the table.I'm glad I decided to include this package along with the concert.

We Pulled An Overnighter
We decided to spend the night in Everett. Melissa’s husband suggested it, so she wouldn’t be driving in the dark after we get off the ferry in Kingston—she mentioned it to me, I said I gave it some thought, too. I booked us in to the Holiday Inn. The Comcast Arena in Everett worked in conjunction with the Holiday Inn to have a block of rooms set aside for concert people. By mentioning this, I got the Comcast Arena discount on the room. It was a lot of fun to spend the night with Melissa. When we got back to the hotel we asked about room service. The desk clerk said it was “iffy” because the kitchen makes up so much & as the supply dwindles in the night the selection get slim. She also suggested ordering out, Chinese or Pizza and that's as far as we let her go. PIZZA. Yes we ordered pizza & Pepsi. Boy oh boy was it a good after concert snack. When we ate as much as we could we turned off the lights, drifted off  to our beds, and had nice girl talk before our eyes tired & we wound down enough to sleep.

Well my kitties, my luvs, my peeps, I suppose I could write more things about this great adventure I could go go on, but I think this is enough. All in all I really enjoyed myself & I’m ready to do it again lots of fun and good craic!!! It was a Thunderiffic outing, too!!! I’m pretty tired so I’m going to get ready for bed and have good dreams for a long long time. Good night now.

       —Glory Oskie Zero, I wish today were tomorrow, luv Fostine.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Baseball, Apple Pie, & Chevrolet

Well, I luv baseball, I luv apple pie, & I did own a chevy Nova car way back when. So I guess I qualify, somewhat, to ramble on about this subject.

I used to be a Seattle Mariner fan, but that was way back when. Well, not waaaayyy back when, I'm not that ancient, yet. But far enough back like 6--8 years ago. At least when Kazuhiro Sasaki, John Olerud, Dan Wilson, & Jay Buhner played for them. When they used to win games!!! Oops.

Oh, I didn't tell you how I became a baseball fan. When my brother Bill was recuperating & living with my sister Betty, I used to go in when I could & sit with him, sometimes after work, sometimes on the weekend. He would be watching baseball & I sat with him & learned to luv baseball. He told me everything that was happening during the game, he taught me how to read the score board, and he would call the game while watching it, in fact, I think he called the game better than the announcers.

Well, I can't tell a fast ball from a curve ball like he could, I can't call a game, but I still enjoy watching baseball. I enjoy the banter between the announcers, I enjoy the roar of the crowd, especially when things get edgy in the game, I enjoy the brouhaha when the competing teams pile on top of each other brawling on the baseball diamond, I enjoy it when the umpire throws someone out of the game, I enjoy it when a team wins a game & the whole team comes out & they pile on top of each other & jump up & down, I enjoy seeing the players play ball, run the bases, & slide into a base or home plate, I enjoy seeing the ball thrown to try & get players out. What I enjoy most is just the players of the game.

One time the Mariners were playing the New York Yankees. That's when I discovered Derek Jeter. Pam was standing with me & I asked her, "Who is that player?" She said, "Oh, that's Derek Jeter, I used to like him, but I don't any more." Well I guess I took over liking Derek Jeter.

I tried to watch all the Yankee games I could on Dish TV, but alas there weren't that many. That's when Dish TV started advertising "MLB Season Ticket." Well, by golly, by gum, I investigated this season ticket stuff. Yes, it was sorta expensive, but when I wanted to become a Yankee Fan, just how much is too much to pay to see all their games.

I signed up for the season ticket the next baseball season. Yes, I used to rush home from work to catch all the baseball games I could, especially my Yankees. I luv to watch Derek Jeter, Captain of the Yankees, by the way, catch the ball & spin around in the air & toss the ball to first base for that double out.

Now I'm probably not the usual type of baseball fan--or so I've discovered. I don't really pick a team because it's my home team, or because of their stats, or because they have the best players, or because of their ratings. I follow baseball teams (yes, I said teams) because I may like a certain player in that team. Or I may just like a players name. Or I may like the manager of the team. Or, I may like a team because the player is good looking. Probably, most of all I like the way the player wears his uniform, especially when it fits well. And I must say Derek Jeeter wears his uniform well. But all in all, who really knows why I like a team--maybe at this point, maybe just maybe, it's just because!!!

I do know this, I like the New York Yankees the best because of the clause in the players' contract, that they will be neat & clean shaven. No facial hair--exception--a well trimmed, small, mustache. Hair cut appropriately, too, although there's more leeway there. I do like a man that's clean shaven. I really don't like those nasty mustache & beards that go around the mouth. They really look nasty. But then I do reserve the right to change my mind, depending on the man & the facial hair exhibited. I do like a goatee.

The only player I really, really liked that had facial hair & a wild hair do was Johnny Damon. I called him my "Wild Man." I liked the idea that the Yankees brought him over when his contract was up with the Boston Redsocks. But I hated to see his hair get cut off.

Well, below is a video of my favorite baseball men. Well, most of them--I guess if I had to hunt down all my favorites, I maybe here to dooms day. I hope you enjoy looking at them, if for no other reason you want to know what I like.

Well, my kitties, my luvs, my peeps, I'm a bit tired now so I'm off to my safe haven of my bed. Until we can watch a baseball game together....

       --Glory-oskie Zero, I wish today were tomorrow, luv Fostine.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

My Favorite Baseball Players

Music--Backstreet Boys: "All I Have To Give"

...and I did not wet my pants.

I state, I said, I reiterate; I did not wet my pants!!!

And there I was sitting in the Bayview restaurant eating their delicious Bayview burger on ciabatta bread & all of a sudden I felt a wetness running down me. Dag gum it--how many times do I have to say, "I did not wet my pants."  If you'll just hold on, you'll find out why I didn't wet my pants & what was really going on.

It all starts out with physical therapy. Yes, that blasted PT again. I'd finished a grueling session. I don't stay to ice my shoulder, I just take their new & improvised ice bags with me. Well, Melissa & I left there and we made about 2 or 3 stops before getting to the Bayview.

And sitting on my shoulder is this improvised ice bag, cooling down my shoulder. I must say it was a hot day for my little town. And what should happen? The ice bag starts to drip, well not so much just drip; more like the melted ice water ran out of the bag. More likely it ran out of the double-bagged-improvised-ice-bag; down the front of my top--then down my waist, & then down my pants. It was very uncomfortable sitting there being wet upon. I looked at Melissa & said,
"I did not wet my pants."

Melissa managed to signal the waitress & she took the offending ice bag & disposed of the drippy bag for me. Will wonders never cease--she returns to our table with a brand new, unleaky ice bag for my shoulder. How nice of them.

Well my kitties, my luvs, my peeps, I must move on to something else now. Keep up the faith that I did not wet my pants.

            --Glory-oskie Zero, I wish today were tomorrow, luv Fostine.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Puyallup Tribe Elders Building

Below is a short video, taken by Riley, a friend of my Nephew Mike. Riley took this video last Friday, August 20, 2010, when we went to the Puyallup Tribe Elders Dinner.

I understand from my Nephew Don, that his mom OR my sister Alice helped to design this building. Inside downstairs you'll find the entry way, of course; a craft room, an education class room, the library which also contains some computers & TV which can be used to show movies, the main luncheon room, a small sitting room, another room which has a usable gas-fire place, which they had burning, a stairway to upstairs & the elevator to upstairs, off the main floor there's an outdoor patio with gardens & a water fall which ends into a small pool. Upstairs there's the gym with many machines to work out on & a physical therapist, the sauna, the small swimming pool, (I can't remember if there was anything else, but I think that's it.)

Inside there are many places that hold Puyallup Tribe Art Work inside glass display holders. The walls are also have tribal artwork displayed.

All in all, it was a pleasurable trip to our Puyallup Tribe Headquarters to see the new building. My Nephew Don arranged with the Elders Building Director to have our cousin Tommy, drive here to Port Hadlock & Port Townsend to pick us up. How he was able to arrange that, I really don't know, but I was very happy to go & enjoy the day with friends & relatives. We had a very nice luncheon, green salad, white rice, potato salad, macaroni salad, jello salad, meatballs in a brown sauce, beef & pork ribs, grilled chicken; plenty of desserts, pineapple upside down cake, chocolate cake, an Italian ice cream, fresh fruit salad, and other desserts I did not see since I let my Nephew Mike fix me a plate or two for me. My sister Betty said the chocolate cake was delicious. We had coffee, a variety of soda pops, water, & a variety of teas to drink.

Well my kitties my luvs, my peeps, I hope you have enjoyed seeing the new Puyallup Tribe Elders Building, curtsy of Riley. I'm going to see if there's anything in my refrigerator that looks good enough to eat.

     --Glory-oskie Zero, I wish today were tomorrow, luv Fostine.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Oh What The Heck, Check This Out

Here's a commercial made by Direct TV for subscribing to Direct TV.  I've seen it when I watch baseball or my other TV shows. Don't know if you've seen it or not. Check everything out in the background & what comes on the TV when he turns it on--enjoy it for what it is--a commercial. Don't psychoanalyze it to death, just laugh, just enjoy, just have fun with it. I do enjoy a good commercial. Click the link & now sit back & watch it. Direct TV Russian Mob Commercial.
Now don't we all want one? Pucker up now!!!

Take care my kitties, my luvs, my peeps, I'm going to get out of this chair & find something else to do.

      --Glory Oskie Zero, I wish today were tomorrow, luv Fostine.

Don't Get Between Me & My iPod!

Why didn't someone clue me in before. Sure I 've heard of iPods. People are going around with ear plugs stuffed in their ears--blasting out their ear drums.

What I didn't know was all the stuff (& YES I SAID STUFF) they could do. Music, videos, books, pod casts, movies, did I forget anything. If I did, it wasn't intentional.

Well I'm slowly coming into the 21st century. Wait, wait, are we in the 21st century? I may behind here, too. I've been living in the dark, dank, cave for the last many, many years. I'm not sure where we're at.

Music!!! Thank my sister Betty for introducing me to the group Celtic Thunder. OH NO!!! Not Celtic Thunder again!!! Ye gads, do I have to skip reading this post too? Well I guess that's your decision. But if I was standing behind your computer chair, I would bring out my duct tape & strap you into your chair & make you keep reading. If you're not nice, I'll insert a Celtic Thunder Video here, too, so there & I'll make sure you watch it!!! But if you'd like I could insert a Lady Gaga video in here, just to show you that I do indeed have other vids downloaded. Of course, it wouldn't be as wholesome as my CT Vids. Maybe though, just maybe you might enjoy it more--I don't know what you'd like. Leave me a comment if you wish. I don't want to turn this into an "R" rated blog now.

Now like I was saying before the gentle reprimand above--music & Celtic Thunder. It's exactly that, Celtic Thunder brought music back into my life; they brought joy, they brought happiness, they brought movement to my body & they brought excitement. Plus they're not hard to look at. Well, my doctor is very happy they're part of my life because they got me off my couch & up & moving my body. Swaying to the music, moving my arms (oops, maybe just a bit too much moving of the arms--torn rotator cuff), moving my legs trying to dance or bounce around, singing in my out of tune voice along with them & falling in love with them & falling in love with life again.
Well, of course, I follow them on Twitter, Face Book, My Space, and wherever else they post. I watch YouTube so I can see their videos & the videos made from the PBS stations & wherever else they promote their shows & concerts. One interviewer, at the end of the promo asked each of the lads to tell the audience what they were listening to on their iPod. Very interesting.

NOW do you see where we're going? I'm glad you do, because now I'm just plain confused. Oh wait, I get it. They have iPods. Wait, wait, maybe I should have an iPod. Well it took me several months of blithering back & forth. How much do they cost? Where in the blazes do you even go to buy and iPod? Can I afford an iPod? Oh phooey, just stop buying fabric & quilting supplies for a while & get myself an iPod.

I checked out the iPods on & really got confused. Looking at all the varieties, makes, models, sizes, shapes & trying to decipher all the techno data. Okay, I put it on hold again for probably another 3 weeks. Too much stuff swirling around in my head and none of it making any sense.

Okay, I was in Wal-mart in Sequim one day. Yes, I wandered into the computer/technical section. Then a nice, young man came along & asked me if I needed help. Well, what I asked wasn't about iPods at first, but I got there. Then I was drooling, half running behind him to the locked case. He tried his best to explain everything to me. I was still apprehensive, but we picked one out. An iPod/Nano with 8 GB. We decided 8 GB was enough for me at this time. They didn't have one in pink at this time so I purchased the purple one. Yes, I bought it for it's colour.

Now I have 62 videos and 515 songs on it. And yes, there's Celtic Thunder on it among other music & videos!!!

But I tell you this, "DON"t GET BETWEEN ME & MY iPOD." How I ever lived without this little purple rectangle is beyond me. I had it for about 3 weeks, I couldn't even get it out of the packaging. Thank goodness my computer repair person Cynthia got it out & set it up for me, then my friend Melissa showed me how to load my Cd's on to it. Now there's no stopping me now.

I've downloaded videos with Real player from YouTube. I've learned how to convert them to play on my iPod. I've learned how to synchronize them from my computer onto my iPod. I'm really surprised at the clarity of downloaded videos. I've seen things in the downloaded video on my iPod that I didn't notice before. I can also hear all the beautiful instrumental accompaniments & the singer together really, really well. I don't know how to explain that, but that's the best I can write at this time. I really enjoy watching the videos on my iPod. And yes, there's Celtic Thunder videos plus other videos I've downloaded, i.e. Lady Gaga, Dean Martin, Michael Bublé, New York Yankee videos, and others. Yes, I'm coming into my own in this current century. Slowly but surely--not too fast, but fast enough.

This is my piggy bank after buying my iPod, but it's sure been worth it, at least that's my opinion, & I'm sticking to it!!!

Well my kitties, my luvs, my peeps, I'm sitting here typing this blog & listening to music, BLASTING OUT MY EAR DRUMS on my iPod--& I'm going to press publish this post. Take care now & behave yourselves.

     --Glory-oskie Zero, I wish today were tomorrow, luv Fostine.

Hey Guess What? Two Weeks Goes Fast In Cyber Space!!!

Well, it's Friday, July 30 ,2010, when I woke up this morning, the first thing that I did was sit up in bed, remove the blasted sling & give it a big toss. My arm is free--yeah--my arm is free. It can hang down the side of body like it's meant too. BUT I still have a long way to go.

We started active physical therapy the day before I removed my sling & boy is it surprising how much movement can be lost in six weeks of no movement. My arm & shoulder were tired & sore from the PT the next day. I tried to get my arm behind my back & it didn't want to go there. OUCH!!!

I hate to say it but I've let my arm rest this weekend. I did not do my PT exercises. My shoulder & arm were very sore. I found out that was because I did not apply ice after the PT treatment. I will start them on Monday--I promise. I forget that just because my arm is free, that I can't do lots of things with it. I try to move it one way or reach up & it doesn't go where I want it to & I wind up saying, "oh ouch, oh ouch, oh ouch." Geez, can't I remember a simple thing that I still have to take it easy with my right arm & shoulder until the muscles get stretched back out again?

I did a little bit of sewing the other day & that felt good. I cut some fabric with my right arm. Not too much, of course, but I cut a little bit. It really felt good to do something creative.

I can type better (of course, that doesn't mean I can spell any better) now that I'm out of the sling. It's really maahvelous to feel free.

I'm trying to do a little more cooking. No more Meals-On-Wheels. I can crack an egg open & have eggs over easy again. You don't know how good they tasted--I swear I was eating Royal Sevruga Caviar with its unique intensity which caviar connoisseurs find so appealing.

Now I understand that the Royal Sevruga is a small to medium sized, delicately coloured bead with a gray hue & a bright, robust flavour. Of course, it's imported and from the wild Acipenser Stellatus (Sevruga Sturgeon). I really don't want to drop price here, OH HECK, WHY NOT?

1.06 oz or 1 serving is $364.00; 1 3/4 oz. or 1-2 servings is $594.00; 4 3/8 oz. or 4-8 servings is $1461.00; 8 3/4 oz. IS ONLY $2885.00. I'll not bore you with the other servings sizes & prices. Check it out here if you want more information. Petrossin Gormet Foods

Not that I've ever eaten or tasted Royal Sevruga Caviar or that I'm sure that I would even want to. But who know what tomorrow may bring? Sorry to have rambled off the subject here, but I enjoyed it, I hope you have also.

Well, what better place to leave you my kitties my luvs, my peeps. I'm actually going to find my self something to eat and not Royal Sevruga Caviar.

     --Glory-oskie Zero, I wish today were tomorrow, luv Fostine.

Two More Weeks

Good news from Kevin, 2 more weeks in this bloody sling & I don't even have to go in for them to supervise the removal of the sling. I get to wake up 2 weeks from now, stagger around the house until my eyes are really, really open & I'm wide awake--then HOORAY!!!--off comes this blasted sing. What a wonderful birthday present Kevin gave me today.

Well, I guess that's the best news, but I consider it all good news, Kevin looked at my healing wound & said it looks good. Checked to see if I had feeling in my shoulder. Watched me manipulate my wrist, fingers & elbow, pronounced them okay, too.

Then I had to lay on the table, get the sling removed & he lifted my arm (I didn't get sufficient time to relax enough), he kept telling me I was helping him lift my arm too much, but I said I was doing my best to try to relax. It takes me more than a few seconds to let someone lift my arm. But he said my arm is doing good, it's at a 90 degree bend.

So the physical therapists & me are doing a good job. Also in two weeks I get to change from passive to active physical therapy when the sling comes off. Then my shoulder & arm will get more movement & get stronger again. Yeah for us!!! Well my kitties my luvs, my peeps, that's the good news I leave you with today.

     --Glory-oskie Zero, I wish today were tomorrow, luv Fostine.

Post Operative Report

Ah--look at me, I'm out of the house, I'm riding in my friend Elinor's car. I'm not madd after all. Whew--those were pretty intense feelings last week.

All checked in at the doc's office, just waiting for the nurse to come & get me. No sense trying to read a magazine, it's too hard to hold them one handed--I'm spoiled--too used to have use of both my hands.
Oh, oh it's my turn. Walk straight down the hall, don't stagger, look confidant, you can do it Fostine.

Intake portion all over, waiting for the doc. The doc actually removes my band aid job, a thousand saw I at a glance, what do I know about bandaging a wound? Everyone gets a good first look at the wound itself--I try to look down & over but I don't get the best look-see. The doc is pleased so far, there's no swelling or undo redness. There's not that much pain either. When every one left the room I walked over to the sink & looked at my wound in the mirror above the sink. I didn't faint, I didn't get sick & throw up in the sink, I just took a good long look. This is what it looked like. Not too bad at all. Yes, it'll get better, & so will I.

Now the doc wants me on the table so he can move my arm around a bit, raise it up to see the range of motion. Just tell me when it begins to hurt as I raise your arm. No you don't have to help me, just relax your arm & let me raise it up. That's better, ouch it's beginning to hurt a bit. Stops raising the arm & lets it go back down, says he wants to try it again, up, up goes my arm, err doc I said that sorta hurts, just relax, I want to see how far I can raise your arm. YES I KNOW THAT BUT ITS BEGINNING TO HURT! Just a little bit farther, I know you can do it, Good, good, that's a good range of motion about 80%.

You need to start passive physical therapy within the week. Get in as soon as you can. We've done our part--the surgical repair, now the rest is up to you, you do understand, physical therapy as soon as you can get in, and you'll come back in three weeks.

The nurse will be right back in to clip those surgical threads from the ends of the wound. I was wondering what those things were hanging there I would lift the one up and give it a gentle pull, it didn't do any thing, if I knew I had threads hanging, I wouldn't have been picking them up & wondering what they were. Nobody told me about them, sorta used to staples or a black colored surgical thread. The nurse leaves the room telling me the doc is out looking at the x-rays of my left big toe & will be back shortly.

Doc is back in the room, he says the same thing I was told before that my toe is not broken. Not unless the break is so minuscule it won't show up on the x-ray. I may have arthritis in the toe, too. The bruising is almost gone but the swelling is still prominent.

The doc says he'll put a compression bandage on my toe to help reduce the swelling. He brought 2 sizes & said he'd start with the smaller tube. He cuts a portion of the bandage off, raise up my foot & easily slips the bandage over my big toe. He tells me the excess bandage can be turned down like a little turtle neck sweater collar

If this bandage feels too tight, you can pull it off like a sock, cut a piece of the bigger bandage & put it on just like I have here YES I'm sure that I can cut left handed, YES I'm sure I can pull the bandage over my toe--smile Fostine--WHAT ARE YOU THINKING DOC I DON'T HAVE TWO HANDS LIKE YOU!!! Oh well, just nod your head in agreement with the man.

Now if your toe remains hurting & the swelling doesn't go away as fast as you think it should, call us before your three week appt date & come back in, we can do a cortisone shot in the toe, but we don't like to because they hurt. Oh, if the shot hurts, I don't want one so lets hope this compression bandage works. But if it doesn't get better, I'll call for an appointment.

Oh, I did get a physical therapy appointment with Cindy for Wednesday at 2 PM. I'm on my way to doing my part as far as getting my shoulder well, from not letting it stiffen up too much & helping to increase the range of motion. Yeah Me!!!

Well I'm sorry I can't make this post more exciting, more fun or more entertaining, this is just as it's been titled "post operative doc's report", I'm taking a break now my kitties, my luvs, my peeps, be good & don't get into any mischief!

      --Glory-oskie Zero, I wish today were tomorrow, luv Fostine.