Thursday, July 15, 2010

...and Now a Word From Our Sponsors!!!

Huh? What's going on here? I'm not going to sit through this.

Hold on, don't get your knickers in a twist again. All good things have sponsors. The Olympics, Baseball, Car Racing, your favorite TV Shows, even movies have trailers of up-coming attractions. Soooo sit your butt back down in that chair in front of your computer screen.
Get your soda pop, or other favorite beverage, popcorn, sit back, relax and enjoy.

All right, admit it, you got a belly laugh out of that didn't you. You were going to stick around just to humor me. So you took a handful of pop corn & were washing it down with your soda pop. Your eyes popped flashed through your mind...

Glory-oskie Zero, she is a dirty old lady after all.

Then the blanket gets thrown back & you can't hold pop corn & soda in your mouth anymore---blast it--it sprays all over your computer screen. Ha!!! Gottcha!!!

Well my kitties, my luvs, my peeps, I'm leaving you with your computer screen to clean up, have a good day now!

    --Glory-oskie Zero I wish today were tomorrow, luv Fostine.

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